New Campus, US Acquisition, and Major Partnerships

The start of 2023 marks a huge milestone for Richmond based retail group YOLO , as it moves into its first campus and one step closer to their vision of creating a retail empire in the heart of North Yorkshire.
YOLO Founder, Scott Woodhead, started the company from his kitchen table and now the retail group employs over 17 people and has over six brands in the health, beauty, food, lifestyle, and outdoor leisure industries.
The company’s new campus is far from ordinary, with ping pong tables, hammocks, pool tables, grass floors and neon signs living up to its mission to build “a retail empire that also happens to be the best place in the world to work.”
YOLO's global footprint has recently expanded to 48 countries, bolstered by a seven-figure acquisition of a 20-year-old American hammock company based in Maine. This strategic move grants YOLO direct access to four major interstates via a 330,000-square-foot warehouse in Kansas.
The retail group's expansion doesn't end there. YOLO has recently formed partnerships with over 40 prominent UK retailers, such as B&Q, Debenhams, Mountain Warehouse, and major supermarkets. Talks with leading US retailers like Lowe's, Home Depot and Walmart are already underway, signalling a promising future for the ambitious retail group.
"Though 2023 is poised to bring its share of challenges, our team has chosen to concentrate on aspects within our control. We remain committed to pushing forward and are truly enthusiastic about our expansion plans beyond the UK," states Scott Woodhead, Founder and CEO of YOLO Retail Group.